Having Leaks in Your Oil Container? Here’s What Can Go Wrong!
As an owner of a commercial kitchen or a restaurant, you might need to look after a number of significant factors. So it might seem ‘logical’ to you to play relatively less attention to aspects like the condition of oil containers. But have you ever considered the consequences of having ill-maintained kitchen wear like these? Here are some ideas.
The Risk of Explosion and Fire
Dripping oil from a leaky container can lead to spontaneous combustion even before you know it. When you expose oil to moisture, heat, or air, it can ignite on its own. In fact, the fire could be so exhaustive that it can spread fast, thus damaging your inventory, equipment, and other valuables in the kitchen. In the worst cases, overheated oil is likely to explode, thus leading to property damage and injuries. This is why it is imperative that you choose leak proof containers or replace the old containers with leak-proof ones for your kitchen.
Safety and Health Hazards
Even inadvertent or accidental oil spills are likely to result in slippery surfaces. This can lead to injuries like severe burns and falls. Oil leaks can also expose you to harmful chemicals, as the leaks often emit harmful fumes. This can affect not only your employees but also your clients. This is why container manufacturing companies often emphasize the need to add meticulously designed and anti-slip containers to keep edible oil.
Environmental Concerns
Water pollution is one of the most serious environmental concerns around. Oil leaks can contribute to water pollution as the leaked oil can slip into the soil, groundwater, and also waterways. Moreover, oil leaks can also result in faulty disposal of waste.
Legal Complications
A reliable container manufacturing company would ensure that its products adhere to the safety and quality standards set by the health department and other regulatory authorities. Having these containers would ensure that you store the edible oil in the safest way possible. The manufacturers would also conduct the necessary maintenance and quality control, such as checking for leaks. Such services would prevent you from getting citations from the department, as well as fines. Regular checks would also help to take care of any void that might violate the terms of insurance policies.